DOORS: 8:15 PM
SHOW: 8:30 PM
Eris Mainstage
Theatre satire site The Broadway Beat celebrates Broadway's biggest night, on the eve of Broadway's SECOND biggest night! It's time to honor the year in theatre with an evening of comedy, characters, music, and awards galore. Who will take home the award for Best Musical? Don't ask us, we don't have that award - but we do have the award for Greyest House. What a night!
Dylan Adler @dylanadler_
Alise Morales @pandalise
Troy Iwata @mrtroyiwata
Reid Pope @rpopegrame
Kendall Davis @hahakendalldavis
Jennifer Haining @itsraininghaining
James La Bella
Blaise Wopperer @blaisewopperer
Hosted by:
Zach Raffio @zachraffio
HaleyJane Rose @haleyisfamous
Edward Precht @pertoltprecht
The Broadway Beat @bwaybeatnews
Must be 21+ to attend.
Tickets: $15