Saturday, December 29 @ 8:00 PM
Welcome to the Sparkle Hour, a joyous variety show hosted by Philip 'Sparkle' Markle and featuring his favorite queer and alternative comedians in NYC! Come to the church of Sparkle and leave the cynicism at the door - we're bringing the whimsy back to the stage!
Featured performers:
Thomas Fricilone (Ground Floor Comedy)
Marissa Goldman (Media Witch)
Devin Bockrath (IFC)
Will Banks (Crimes of a Boy Child)
Heather Harrison (BCC)
Carley Mosely (Monster Mash)
"In a comedy scene oversaturated with irony and cynicism, improv master Philip Markle invites you to indulge in blissful inanity at this absolutely batshit variety hour, featuring life-affirming wisdom from Markle, visceral humor from a crazed coterie of avant-garde performers and spectacular dance breaks." - Time Out NY
Promo Video: