This show is postponed due to weather. Ticket holders will be contacted directly. Stay tuned for a new date!
DOORS: 8:15 PM
SHOW: 8:30 PM
Eris Deep Space (downstairs)
Pie Town Presents a short form show that adds physical challenges to performances. And by “physical challenges” we mean forms of torture. Improv used to be torture for the audience, but now it’s torture for the players.
Emily Anderson @emilymands
Shareef Taher @shareeftaherdrums
Owen Engesser @engesser44
Sarah Wingo @sarah_wingo_fitlife
Jess Elgene @Jess_elgene
Kate Goorland @Kategoorland
Jack Dominick @Dackjominick
Must be 21+ to attend.
Tickets: $10