DOORS: 8:15 PM
SHOW: 8:30 PM
Eris Mainstage
You love manga? You love Jenga? You love Kung-Fu Panda? You love slant rhymes? Whatever your obsession, “Obsessed with Us” will interview you (or another audience member) about it — then do a fully improvised long-form show based on that interview!
Joey Lieberman - @joey__rigatoni
Ryder Chasin - @mybestfriendryderchasin
Liv Drury - @livdrurynice
Naomi Rubin - @naomithefool
Jules Greene - @therealjgreene
Al Cohen - @aco711
Clay Davis - @rang_drangus
Shayan Hooshmand - @sha.yan.hoo
Maya Armstrong @maya_varmstrong
Ross Turkington
Fine Print:
Must be 21+ to attend.
There are 60 seats - first come, first serve - and then standing room up to capacity.
All ticket sales are final - no refunds. If you must miss your show, email us at with at least 24 hours notice and we can transfer your tickets to any upcoming show at the BCC. Answers to most other questions can be found here.
If show is sold out, limited tickets will be available at the door.
Lineup subject to change.