DOORS: 8:15 PM
SHOW: 8:30 PM
Eris Deep Space (downstairs)
are we feeling good about things?
Sure, everything is hell and ass lately. But that can’t be taking up all of our brain power. It’s not as though I wake up in the morning and immediately check twitter, or every conversation I have is about some form of impending doom. There must be moments of stillness. Moments of good. Right?
Jooby is a clown and absolute shithead who can’t exactly figure out how to be a person. He brings his friends on stage for a variety show that begs the question, “What if a comedy show was funny?” You’ll see music, characters, & all kinds of freaky guys.
Michael San Juan
Emily Wirth
Lauren Olster
Danielle Clarke Fisher
Must be 21+ to attend.
Tickets: $10