DOORS: 8:15 PM
SHOW: 8:30 PM
Eris Mainstage
For one night only, Jamison Cravensworth–environmental scholar, playwright, and oracle–presents an annotated staging of his magnum opus-in-progress, the groundbreaking climate change play known only as "Untitled". Curated by Dr. Cravensworth himself, this night features not only selected scenes from his upcoming work, but also armchair discussions with ecological experts, musical tributes to the beating womb of Pan-Gaea, and even a short screening of Dr. Cravensworth's upcoming film. It shall be a night not to be missed, as it marks the end of this age and, with cautious step, the maiden voyage of our species into the Neo-Ecolocene. Take heart, Animalia. Take heart.
Jamison Cravensworth @jecaven
Kayleigh Birch @birchrat
Carly Kline @carly_kline
Virginia Colmenares
Elaine Kim
Olivia Tai @otai_makes_stuff
Must be 21+ to attend.
Tickets: $15