DOORS: 8:15 PM
SHOW: 8:30 PM
Eris Deep Space
In loving memory of { insert person here }. Help us mourn the death of comedy with an improvised funeral. Hosted by a rock n' roll nun and a rabbi with a little attitude!
Sophia Stio (sophiastio)
Sam Levy (samlevy._)
Kenny Park Yi (kennyparkyi)
Irving George (irving.jpeg)
JR Atkinson (jratkinsonn)
Noa Rosenberg (lilsnowynoey)
Jordan DeFilippo (jordandeadsoon)
Blake Ung (blake_ung)
Alida Zimmerman (alidazimmerman)
John Caposele (caposeal)
Zoe Tanton (zoetanton)
With opener: Maggie Olmsted
Must be 21+ to attend.
Tickets: $10