DOORS: 8:00 PM
SHOW: 8:30 PM
What happens when over 20 comedians give a spiel/rant/tirade as The Grinch? Can any of them make your heart grow three sizes (likely a medical issue if so)? Find out with Zach Schiffman hosting as The Grinch as well.
Featuring an all-Grinch lineup:
Tessa Albertson
Chase Doggett
Indigo Asim
William Banks
Tessa Belle
Catherine Bloom
Kelly Cooper
Rachel Coster
Brooke Eliot
Julian Hernandez
Walker Caplan
Tim Kov
Annabel & Sabina Meschke
Tim Meyer
Christian Miller
Corey Popowski
Chloe Troast
Cristian Uriostegui
Leanne Velednitsky
Andy Ward
Jamie Linn Watson
Eric Yates
Must be 21+ to attend.
Tickets: $15