DOORS: 6:45 PM
SHOW: 7:00 PM
Eris Mainstage
Ze Follies Dorée is a musical-sketch-comedy extravaganza that draws its inspiration from American vaudeville (without the racism), the mythos of the Moulin Rouge (without the budget), and the irreverent bacchanalia of our modern times (without the end-times vibes). Attend Ze Follies’ Holiday installment, THE SHOW OF HO-HOs: THE SHOW! to experience a Holiday-themed fantasia in "French New York,” complete with sexy reindeer, jolly drunks, Christmas Cowboys, singing chickens, and endless encores. Ze Follies Holly Dorée is proudly sponsored by Santa Scotch.
KARL AMUNDSON (Co-Creator, Co-Host) @karlamundson
TOM MEGLIO (Co-Creator, Co-Host) @tommeglio
EVAN ZAVADA (Music Director & Cast) @evanjzavada
JOSH REITER (Houseboy) @joshalwaysreiter
ADAM ZEPH (Houseboy) @adamzeph
COOPER (Guest Star) @coopergarycooper
ZOE GROLNICK (Cast) @zoegrolnick
CHESNEY MITCHELL (Cast) @chesneymitchell
KIMBERLY PINE (Cast) @theunbreakablekimpine
EMILY KRISTEN MORRIS (Cast) @emilykristenmorris
CAMERON HILL (Cast) @cameronanika
EJ DOHRING (Cast) @ejdohring
ZE FOLLIES DOREE (Company) - @zefolliesdoree
Must be 21+ to attend.
Tickets: $15