DOORS: 6:45 PM
SHOW: 7:00 PM
Eris Deep Space (downstairs)
Doctor's Orders is an advice comedy show where comics air out their interpersonal struggles and receive advice from the audience and Annie Tadvick who is NOT a doctor, but knows a few creative ways to use a stethoscope. With the help of Lady Problems Improv, they get to see how that advice may play out before the audience decides whether they should take it, sealing their fate!
**DISCLAIMER** Doctor's Orders is NOT a medical clinic. No one on the show has a medical license or experience. We're just a bunch of certified goofs trying to solve social gaffs one comic at a time!
Host: Annie Tadvick
May Durand
Caroline Cianci
Lady Problems Improv: Jenny Silber, Laila Marshall, Lydia Hynes, Lauren Montes, Margaret Condon, Gabby Marquez, and Annie Tadvick
Must be 21+ to attend
Tickets: $10