Thursday, May 3 @ 9:30PM
Satan paved her own road to Hell – the only road to Hell. When that giant loser (God) threatened to burn her in an eternal lake of fire, she didn’t give up—she created an entire empire! Through her keynote motivational speech, Satan has inspired eons of sinners to be real pieces of shit. But then…one sinner decides run for Satancy. No one else has been Satan except, well, Satan. Surely she wouldn’t give up in the face of a potential challenger… right? This hour-long play takes us down to the fiery depths of Hell to explore the caverns of self-determination, politics, loyalty, mother-daughter relationships, and flavors of popcorn.
Cast: Andrew Adamietz, Adam Bangser, Julia Letzel, Jill Brenner, Lizzy Mazzucchelli, Lucy Nieboer, Phoebe Stonebraker, Meaghan Strickland, Shannon Kintner
Director: Britt Genelin