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improv + experiential Learning

We apply tools from improv, theater, & stand-up to teach communication, innovation, and leadership skills, and build trust among teams.

WE teach improv like no other school in NYC

In addition to teaching core skills like “Yes, And!” and Active Listening, we inspire teams to FEARLESSLY CREATE, engage with EMPATHY & ENTHUSIASM, and perform with JOY.



Level 1: Collaborative Creation

  • Our introductory workshop teaches the skills of successful improvisation -- fearlessly taking risks, withholding judgment, and engaging enthusiastically with every idea -- and how to apply them to your team. Participants will take away actionable tools for expressing themselves more confidently and creating more effectively as an ensemble, and have fun doing so in a safe, fast-paced, and low-pressure environment.

Level 2: A Culture of "Yes, And"

  • Our moods are malleable, and how you and your team show up over time is something in your control. This workshop focuses on how to create a culture of non-judgement -- of championing the maxim that there are no right or wrong ideas, only weak or strong ways of ideating. Together, we will double down on the core exercises of listening and collaborative creation from the Level 1 workshop with playful games and exercises that offer actionable takeaways to change the dynamic of the way your team works with one another. Become a team that makes each other look good, gives gifts and receives offers well, and acts as an ensemble of "Yes, And"-ers! 

Level 2: Finding Your Voice 

  • This workshop builds on the personal empowerment skills taught in Level 1 to focus on individual growth and confidence. How can you get out of your own way, turn fear of the unknown into opportunities for growth, and learn to embrace owning your point of view? This focus challenges participants with individual feedback and coaching exercises designed to help you find the most polished yet relaxed version of yourself when leading or performing in group settings. This workshop also provides tools for creating engaging and dynamic presentations that draw listeners in, encouraging your audience to care and investing in your narrative. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence or fine-tune your leadership skills, this workshop gives you the boost to assume competence and become a more effective and impactful leader.



    • Saying “Yes, And” to every idea in the brainstorming process.

    • There is no right or wrong, there is only weak or strong choices when brainstorming.

    • Listening and making what the other person said important.

    • Creating and supporting an ensemble (everyone acting as both leader and follower).

    • Gift-giving, empowering, and making your partners look good. 

    • Accepting and building on offers (both overt and subtle ones).

    • Responding with curiosity as opposed to reacting emotionally.

    • Having the courage to not waste time and create expeditiously and efficiently.

    • Disarming difficult conversations and making sure everyone is “on receive” to hear what you are communicating.


    • Assuming competence: having the courage to become something you are not yet.

    • Transforming fear of “the unknown” into an opportunity for learning.

    • Developing stage presence and reframing your nerves so they help you.

    • Storytelling and creating a compelling narrative.

    • Getting everyone on the same page with clear communication (understanding different methods via ethos / pathos / logos).

    • Trusting your intuition and following your gut.

    • How to offer more constructive and uplifting feedback, direction, and coaching.

    • How to get into a headspace of not worrying about outcomes and centering on your joy and passion for the work you do.


  • Most workshops run between two-three hours, allowing us to go more in-depth. However, we offer programs as short as 60-minute introductory workshops or day-long intensives.


  • Number of instructors from The Brooklyn Comedy Collective dependent on # of students per workshop booked.


  • Shoot us an email at philip@brooklyncc.com or fill out the form below for a quote.


  • Currently, we are offering workshops online virtually or in-person at your space or ours in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn.


Questions about pricing, availability, etc? Please use the form to submit a request for a quote:

Philip from the BCC joined our Google team for an afternoon activity. Call it ‘team building’, ‘having fun’, ‘introduction to improv’, or all of the above: we got it. Working with a group of Google engineers, in a middle-of-the-day improv/fun/team activity is a great challenge - and Philip was able to meet and exceed our expectations. The activity was fun, engaging, made us feel good, laugh and work as a team. I would dare to say that most of us got some important life learnings about communication, collaboration, behavior and ‘be yourself’ as part of this activity. Thank you, Philip, for joining us and working with us, and thank you for bringing a different perspective to our day.
— Avi Shai, Engineering Director, Google