Improv Level 3: Advanced Scene Dynamics w/ Julian Hernandez (March-April) (Sundays)


Improv Level 3: Advanced Scene Dynamics w/ Julian Hernandez (March-April) (Sundays)


Advanced Scenes

This class is limited to 16 students.

This class builds on the skills in Level 2, teaching students to be versatile ensemble players who can build long-form pieces organically while keeping the show and audience's experience in mind. By layering more complicated improv techniques and awareness onto already fearless play, students will learn how to authentically ground characters so they feel believable and use curve balls to keep scenes surprising. We’ll explore the dynamics that make up three-person and group scenes and how to augment and balance multiple points of focus onstage. And we’ll learn to stay out of our heads while balancing it all.

In addition to learning advanced techniques, this class will encourage you to lean into the areas you shy away from and own what makes you unique as a performer through personal notes and individual challenges.

This class culminates in a performance for the public.

Prerequisite: BCC Level 2 “Free Your Mind.”

7-Week Class: Sundays, 12:00 - 3:00 PM | March 2nd - April 13th, 2025

  • Note: Class may end between 2:30 - 3:00 PM depending on the number of enrollments.

Where: BCC Dog House, Studio #2 (137 Montrose Ave, Brooklyn)

Class Show: Sunday 8:30pm - April 13th, 2025. Eris Deep Space. (167 Graham Ave)

Teacher: Julian Hernandez


“Low ego, kind and loving, affirming, dedicated to making class a comfortable space - and delivered on all this successfully. a joy to be taught by.”

“I felt extremely supported. Julian went out of his way to encourage me and see strengths in us. I believe Julian brought his a-game and really paid attention to us as well.”

“Julian is a 10/10 teacher, and there are so many things I could say here. However, I believe Julian's greatest strength is making every single person feel welcomed and excited about doing improv. I looked forward to every single class, and thought of it as a strong highlight of my week.”

“I’m so glad I took this class! I had so much fun and learned a ton about improv and met lots of amazing funny people. BCC is a super awesome, super supportive community that I’m glad to be a part of.”

If this class is sold out, sign-up for the wait list here.

Only 3 left in stock
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Students enrolled in multi-week classes get into all shows at the BCC for free. Students are strongly encouraged to make use of their student IDs to see as many shows as possible. By registering, you agree to make your best effort to see at least two shows during your class.