Improv Level 2: Free Your Mind w/ Miranda Rozas (April-June) (Tuesdays)


Improv Level 2: Free Your Mind w/ Miranda Rozas (April-June) (Tuesdays)


Free Your Mind

This class is limited to 16 students.

Love the hell out of what’s happening onstage and you’re bound to have fun and fearless improvisation.

This class will help remind you what you love about improv, slap you out of whatever may be holding you back, and cut out the naysaying voices in your head. We will look at how we sometimes bail on our choices out of a fear of making the “right or wrong choice” and to instead approach improv with a “fuck it/love it” mentality (because improv is one of the most wonderful things in the world if you don’t treat it too seriously). This class encourages your artistic freedom with methods to initiate scenes with an emotional point of view, to be specific and surprising in your choices, to support your scene partner, and to confidently navigate the vocabulary and concepts of long-form improv. This class will move quickly, keep you on your feet, and challenge you with personal feedback.

This class culminates in a performance for the public.

Prerequisite: Completion of BCC Level 1 Improv OR students who have taken at least one full-length course at a major comedy theater (UCB, PIT, Magnet, Squirrel, Second City, iO, Annoyance, etc.) or have similar prior training can begin at this level. Please write your prior experience in the form when registering.

7-Week Class: Tuesdays, 7:00 - 10:00 PM, April 29th - June 10th

  • Note: Class may end between 9:30-10:00 PM depending on the number of enrollments.

Where: The BCC Pig Pen, Studio A (130 Graham Ave)

Class Show: Wednesday, June 11th, 8:30pm. Eris Deep Space.

Teacher: Miranda Rozas


Miranda Rozas is a Brooklyn-based improviser, musician, and actress. Originally from Louisiana, Miranda moved to Chicago where she trained and performed with the iO Theater, The Second City, Logan Square Improv, and CIC Theater for 6 years. You can catch her improvising every Thursday night with “The Good Time” at 7pm at BCC, or around the city singing and jamming original songs with her band “Spare Room.” Follow her on instagram @sexydragonbuttmuncher or Tiktok @thesexydragon. She accepts any and all discussions about crawfish and how good it is.


Miranda is so kind and friendly, and really kept the class loose for a very structured form.

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Students enrolled in multi-week classes get into all shows at the BCC for free. Students are strongly encouraged to make use of their student IDs to see as many shows as possible. By registering, you agree to make your best effort to see at least two shows during your class.