Clown Level 1: Welcome to Clown Town w/ Julian Hernandez (April-June) (Mondays)


Clown Level 1: Welcome to Clown Town w/ Julian Hernandez (April-June) (Mondays)


This class is limited to 14 students.

Level 1: Welcome to Clown Town

"It's you, of course, the clown. And that's important." -Nader Farman

Clown trains us to be fully present. Class curriculum includes exercises from Jacques Lecoq, Jean Taylor, Merry Conway, Nader Farman, Keith Johnstone and more, aiming to move us past ego and toward our shared humanity. Winter is coming. But class is joyful and warm! Come on out, try on the red nose.

This class culminates in a class show at the BCC Pig Pen.

7-Week Class: Mondays, 7:00 - 10:00 PM, April 28th - June 16th

  • Class may end between 9:30 - 10:00 PM depending on the number of enrollments.

  • This class skips Mondays, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day.

Where: The BCC Pig Pen, Studio B (130 Graham Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11206)

Class Show: Wednesday, June 18th. 7:00pm. BCC Pig Pen.

Teacher: Julian Hernandez


“low ego, kind and loving, affirming, dedicated to making level 1 a comfortable space - and delivered on all this successfully. a joy to be taught by.”

“I felt extremely supported. Julian went out of his way to encourage me and see strengths in us. I believe Julian brought his a-game and really paid attention to us as well.”

“Julian is a 10/10 teacher, and there are so many things I could say here. However, I believe Julian's greatest strength is making every single person feel welcomed and excited about doing improv. I looked forward to every single class, and thought of it as a strong highlight of my week.”

“I’m so glad I took this class! I had so much fun and learned a ton about improv and met lots of amazing funny people. BCC is a super awesome, super supportive community that I’m glad to be a part of.”

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Students enrolled in multi-week classes get into all shows at the BCC for free. Students are strongly encouraged to make use of their student IDs to see as many shows as possible. By registering, you agree to make your best effort to see at least two shows during your class.