Physical Storytelling Level 1: Crafting Comedy Through the Lens of Mime w/ Broken Box Mime Theater (5-Week Workshop, Fridays)

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Broken Box Mime Theater See Reverse_IMG_0100.jpg

Physical Storytelling Level 1: Crafting Comedy Through the Lens of Mime w/ Broken Box Mime Theater (5-Week Workshop, Fridays)


Each class is limited to 14 students.

Broken Box Mime Theater (BKBX) invites artists of all backgrounds to join in exploring the audience's imagination as medium. From the perspective of BKBX's unique brand of mime based in American narrative style, participants will look at body language, basic mime technique, staging metaphor, efficiency in storytelling, and devised process. How can precision, efficiency, and specificity in physical storytelling help to craft our comedy? Over the course of the series, students will craft mime pieces that will be shared in a final showing in December.

This class is open to students of all experience levels.

5-Week Class: Fridays, 3:30p-6:30p, May 2nd - June 6th

  • This class skips Friday, May 23rd in observance of Memorial Day.

Where: The BCC Pig Pen, Studio B (130 Graham Ave, Brooklyn)

Class Show: Saturday, June 7th. 7:00pm. BCC Pig Pen

Teacher: Broken Box Mime Theater


This course will be taught by a member of BKBX. Broken Box Mime Theater (BKBX) is a collaborative theater company that performs original work entirely through movement. Our mission is to activate the imaginations of our audiences, contemporize the art of mime, and remind us all of the power of simple storytelling. Based in Brooklyn and founded in 2011, our version of “mime, redefined” blends techniques of French pantomime, cinema, performance art, and contemporary theater. The artists who call BKBX their artistic home believe in making innovative, provocative theater that erases the spoken language barrier and champions the power of simplicity in performance. 

Photo by Bjorn Bolinder

Student Testimonials:

Becky made everyone feel welcome and empowered to improve.

Becky was absolutely fantastic in every way!

Becky taught us so many tools and tricks to story telling through physical movement, while also being so fun and supportive!

Becky is such an incredible teacher! Too many strengths to pick one, but a couple that stand out are her unbridled enthusiasm for mime and her capacity to share that with others. She taught us that mime is grounded in trust between the audience and performer, and she brought that same ethos to class. She's the rare teacher who realizes that how you teach has a bigger impact than what you teach, and it's refreshing to be in an education space that starts from a foundation of embracing that we all learn in different ways, and that's great! There's a curiosity to Becky's teaching that's really encouraging - asking students what we want from the class, and adapting her style and lessons to suit us. Class felt like a team effort to learn and discover together. Despite her obvious deep knowledge of the subject, Becky's was still very clearly also interested in our experience and ideas - it made for a fantastic environment for creating and sharing work. Her obvious joy when something clicked for us was infectious. It's a welcome change from traditional education models where an 'expert' relays knowledge to students. Everything about her teaching style makes it clear she's as eager to keep learning and exploring as we are - no gatekeeping in site. Honestly, I think more teachers should take Becky's class to inform their own pedagogy!

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